Snews 2.0 (DIS 1.27.02 / Atari) =============================== Announcing the first release of SNews 2.0/DIS1.27.2 for the Atari ST. This document should be read in conjunction with the other documentation files. It briefly describes differences between the PC version of Snews and the Atari version. Where version numbers are used, DIS127 means the PC version and AT2 means the Atari version. Note: From SNews DIS124/AT1 newsgroup messages are posted via nntp rather than smtp. You must also have nos033 or later versions to use these versions of SNews. This applies to the ATARI versions only. Note: For those of you who take the sources, I have split snews.c into two files, snews1.c and snews2.c. This is for two reasons: 1) I do not have enough memory to compile snews.c with debugging and hence it made debugging very difficult for me. 2) snews.c is around 2,600 line long, this is too big really, I prefer not to have source files more than about 1,000 lines. I am maintaining these as separate files so you will not find an snews.c in the distribution. Key Mapping =========== DIS127 uses some keys that do not appear on the Atari keyboard, these have been mapped as follows: DIS127 AT2 ------ --- END shift-Home (sHome on help screens) PGUP shift-UpArrow (sUP on help screens) PGDN shift-DownArrow (sDN on help screens) You can also use the HELP key as well as F1 and 'h' to display the help screens. The Help screens have been amended to display the Atari mappings. Screen Colours and Display ========================== This version of SNews should work in any screen mode BUT I only have high- resolution so I cannot test it in the other modes. Only Black text on a White background is supported. Certain areas of the screen display are printed in reverse video. This helps to make things stand out. New Features ============ See the document changes.127 for changes from DIS124 to DIS127. Changes for the Atari port are recorded in this document. Addgroup and Rmgroup -------------------- It has been a small irritation to me that these two programs maintained the 'active' and 'ng' files but I still had to edit 'nntp.dat' by hand. I have now extended these two programs so that 'addgroup' will append the group to 'nntp.dat' while 'rmgroup' will delete the group from 'nntp.dat'. These actions only take place if 'active' and 'ng' are processed correctly. I have not made this an option so if you do not want this to happen you should continue to use the DIS124/AT1 versions of these programs. Snews ----- The header part of the screen displays has been tidied up so that reverse video appears properly. Local posting now works as described in the other documentation. Don't forget to use the new 'snews.rc' file as some extra options were added in DIS127. Known Bugs and Restrictions =========================== SNews ----- There may still be some NULL-pointer dereferencing problems, these will cause a bus error. I am still investigating this. 'Search' within the body of an article is supposed to scan the next/previous articles, this is not working yet. 'p' print an article prints to the screen and not a printer. You will have to save the article to a file if you really want to print it. '!' shelling out is not supported at this time. Bug Reports, Notes, Queries =========================== I can be contacted via email at If you use the 'B' option to mail a bug report, and you choose option '2' for reporting SNews problems, you will mail me directly. Options, 1,3,4,5 cause the report to be mailed to Graham Judd 10 February 1994